Saturday, July 20, 2019

keto/sugar-free beef jerky recipe

I generally hate food blogs. The unctuous writing. The loathsome abundance of worthless content before the actual recipe. I especially dread the Q&A type worthless content - "Is jerky right for me"?

Anyway, I generally didn't like any of the recipes I found online so I decided to wing it and make my own. This is my first attempt at this and I will revise or make a future post if this doesn't come out well.
Food blog-esque high quality pics.

On to the recipe:

1.75 lbs top round, sliced, beaten with a meat tenderizer (a flat one, not a spikey one)
1 cup each Worcester sauce, soy sauce, and Diet Coke
2 Tsp salt
2 Tsp garlic powder 
1 tsp cayenne 
Marinated overnight 

I put them on my pellet grill (I have a Rec-Tec) on the "Low" setting which is about 180F for 2 hours before even checking on them. I recently got a jerky rack thing off Amazon - it's a Traeger brand but fits fine I have a Rec-Tec "Stampede". It would probably be best in the future to load up the rack on a cookie sheet and then put the rack in the grill. Looks like it could hold 3-4 lbs or so. These cooked for a total of 3 hours.

Ici nous avons le jerky du bouef.
 The finished product could use a little more salt and sweet flavor. Spiciness is at the correct level. I'm generally happy with the result.

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