Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Online/cloud financial software with sync...

In 2012 we ought to be able to do this:

iPhone/Android financial software + Cloud platform for entering transactions from desktop computers anywhere. Why can't we? Let's review the contenders:

Mint.com - I still cannot figure out how to enter transactions and get them to consistently reconcile correctly. Anybody know how to? Feel free to post below. Otherwise, it's a lovely platform to keep track of things.

Clearcheckbook.com - They have a great online interface, support import/export in a variety of formats, but their iPhone client is garbage - very crashy and unstable. Look at the app rating - two stars at the time of this writing. I've also used their Android app and it's a bit better. Overall, the whole platform is usable on Android, but unusable on iPhone.

iReconcile - This is what I'm currently using, but the online interface is SLOOOOOOOW. Lacks import/export features. No support for your memorized transactions on the iPhone via the web interface. Clunky (and again, SLOOOOOOOW interface).

Also (added later) - toshl.com - tracks expenses, but can't split things up into accounts (weird).

Loyal reader (singular) what are you using?

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